The pride and joy of being Canadian.
I don't know what it is, or how to explain it, but sometimes you are just walking down the street and thinking "woo I am Canadian and America smells." And being Canadian with Canadian pride, involves more than just chugging down maple syrup or putting up a Maple Leafs flag on your window, even though you KNOW the Leafs won't win the cup in another 100 years.
Well there is the Canadian entertainment. And yes, I know it doesn't exceed over a few channels and films but we have some excellent talent here. Canada has known to be the friendly-nice-guy country and this is why we SHARE our entertainment to our neighbours down south. You know, I am talking about the States and their usage of Degrassi: The Next Generation.
It wasn't so long ago, when Toronto kids were all happy and cocky thinking yay, I got Degrassi it owns all those U.S shows. And yay our actors are way hotter and etc. etc. Not so long ago, did we gossip about Degrassi's drama and all the places we recognized when we watched T.V., like Oh the C.N Tower! Or who could forget the actors and their relationships to us, like "Oh, did you know Jimmy from Degrassi, went out with my friend's friends best Friend?"
But now, season 7 has started, hot as ever, and yet the U.stupid.S decides to run Degrassi BEFORE us. Not only before us my friends, but they are two episodes ahead of us! Now you might think, Oh Arti who cares! Well, like I said, my pride of loving Degrassi as a Canadian just dropped about 65%. Even though I enjoy it and still watch it, I still shed a tear, when I think about people on other websites, saying how good the NEW episodes were.
Whatever. Yesterday I went ahead and watched the American airings online. Those fools, can't stop us smart Canadians.
(: [Oh and if you are a fan ask for the link to the episodes]
hahah! love your last sentence arti! yaay for illegal online video streaming!
well... what can you do. Everything in Canada is being bought or taken over or replaced by american
welll we can complain and write blogs and steal shows online thats what we can do
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