Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ride The Rocket, and then complain about it

I guess this would be a good time to mention that 'The Rocket' is the TTC.
Rush Hour: the most despised time for all Torontonians who take the TTC. It's not just the fact that one usually has to wait for three to seven trains to go by before getting on to one. It's not the fact that we all have to huddle onto these trains and squeeze near the doors, while people in the middle of the train stand around like the world around them has just stopped. It is not the fact that people start touching you, on purpose, or not, I don't know. And lastly, it is not only because we start to get really hot and sweaty, even in the middle of a -30 winter.
It is all of it. It is then definitely the manners people have inside the bus/subway and how they control themselves in this hot and miserable situation. The kids, the adults and seniors all play a role, in keeping your transportation either a calm journey home or a ride on the rocket to hell.
I was on the bus a few days ago, going home, around rush hour and like usual the bus was pretty packed. So about six teens walk in, carrying their bags and talking loudly to one another. Not just talking but swearing. Oh fuck this fuck that, bitch, ass motherfucker, all the crap in between those lines. So a man turns around and says, can you people shut up and learn some manners. So what do the teens do? Do they respect the adult and say sorry, or do they answer back with even more swearing? Surprise. Surprise. The next 10 mins was yelling and cussing back and forth,
"Why the fuck are you yelling at kids"
"I hate you kids and your stupid knapsacks"
"Yo fuck off and don't lay your hand on me"
"I am going to call the cops so your asses can go to jail"
On and on and on and the funny thing was, the man didn't even stop. He just kept going on and on trying to defend himself. Now, I don't know about anyone else, but when I am coming home from a long day from school, working, slacking, whatever it may be, I don't want to hear seven people yelling in my ear. So please, have some respect while on the bus, I could complain about the TTC for hours and it will still be the same at the end. Think of it this way: would you want someone yelling in your ear randomly when let's say you are at home, doing bed-business? No, probably not!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well put story, could'nt of said it better!!!
