I don't know what it is, or why it happens but I am such a movie buff lately. Alright let's say past three years now, high school years, Arti Patel needs to watch movies to survive.
More of the horror than the comedy, more of suspense thrillers than watching someone fall in love, the fake and never believable stories and documentaries all have that same feeling.
Feeling of love, attachment and addiction.
Kind of freaky? Maybe.
Ever get that feeling when you just had something to eat that was SO good, like a great meal at your favourite restaurant? And then you wait and wait for the next time you go back, just to eat that meal all over again? That is how I feel when I hear of a sequel coming out.
Maybe because I like stories I am addicted to the fact that something is being told, a problem that needs solving, a joke that needs more laughing, a murderer that needs to be caught, for some odd reason I feel like I am the one.
This connection, with characters, what they wear, their houses, how skinny they might be, their lives and situations...all seems so fun when you are far away.
And horror, oh how I adore it. Killing, knifes, blood, guts I am talking about the whole deal. I usually don't get too scared, so yay me.
I don't know what the point of this post is, maybe it was a cheat-scape way of listing some upcoming movies, somehow I find myself doing that often.
Well to break it all down, I love movies, I love downloading them and going to the theater for the in-your-face experience.
It's pleasure and excitement baked into a sexy chocolate cake.
COMING SOON: (in order of release dates)
The Fall (I have no idea how good it will be but the trailer/visuals will blow you away)
Dark Knight (Do I even need to talk about this one? Bat fucking Man period.)
X-Files movie (yeah cool I know brings me back to grade five and being scared of Agent Scully's alien baby.)
The Mummy 3 (I think I just peed my pants, sucks they don't have Rachel Weisz though.)
Saw 5 (because watching guts and blood can be fun, even for the 5th time.)
and dun dun dun
Transformers 2 (OH YES BABY, the first one just blew me away I think I watched it 100 times by now, hope this one has less car ads, no U.S army values and more transforming! [hahaha].)
1 comment:
arti you have weird taste in movies, comeon xfiles?
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